One of the most amazing things I’ve discovered about Twitter is how much of a supportive community you can build around yourself when you engage in the conversation. This has been hugely apparent to me when learning about wine, but also with my desire to train for a 5K. When I was thinking about taking on the challenge, I voiced my doubts on my Twitter feed. Moments later I had Twitter friends urging me to do it – and providing lots of helpful advice to make doing it seem far less stressful.

Now, when I go out on a run or take on a challenging workout I try and post about it. I have received so much great advice and assurance and it’s hugely motivating. I may not know many of the people I chat with on Twitter in real life, but they have become the Greek chorus in my mind as I try to live to meet my fitness goals. And I find that I’m just as excited to help them reach their own fitness goals. I make a point of sending encouraging messages when I see someone going out for a run or heading to the gym.

This has led to some great online conversations about new techniques, apps to try, gear to use and so much more. I feel like I have an amazing community surrounding and supporting me as I run towards my 5K. I wish more people were able to tap into this kind of resource because it really does make an incredible difference.